Seminars, conferences for specialists
Video recordings of BIRA-IASB scientists explaining their work within the space-aeronomy domain to a well informed audience, mostly in the form of scientific presentations.
Space Physics
- "Fundamentals in plasmasphere" - Fabien Darrouzet (video)
- "3D Dynamic kinetic model of the plasmasphere" - Viviane Pierrard (video)
Planetary aeronomy
- "Ozone in the Martian atmosphere observed by TGO/NOMAD-UVIS solar occultations" - Arianna Piccialli (video)
- "Minor species in the Venus atmosphere from SOIR on board Venus Express" - Arnaud Mahieux (video)
- "Mars atmosphere vertical profiles of carbon dioxide density and temperature from solar occultations recorded by the NOMAD instrument onboard ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter" - Loïc Trompet (video)
- Light polarization and its use in retrievals of atmospheric particles (clouds, aerosols) - Filip Vanhellemont (video)
- GCM modelling of dust: transport and radiative effects - Lori Neary (video)
- Aerosol climatology from NOMAD UVIS - Zachary Flimon (video)
- Temperature retrievals from NOMAD-SO - Loïc Trompet (video)
ALTIUS ozone mission
- "Direct inversion methods in limb scattering geometry" - Didier Fussen (video)
- "ALTIUS Geophysical Validation Plan" - Jean-Christopher Lambert (video)
- "The secundary species of ALTIUS" - Emmanuel Dekemper" (video)
- "ALTIUS operational ozone retrievals" - Didier Fussen (video)
ALTIUS: baseline observation geometries and special modes (animation)
- "The Stability of (Merged) Limb Ozone Profile Data Records used by ESA's Climate Change Initiative" - Daan Hubert (video)
- "Variability and trends in three stratospheric water vapour profile data records" - Daan Hubert (video)
- "Ozone CCI: recent science results and planned algorithm developments using limb/occultation data" - Daan Hubert (video)
More about scientific lectures:
- Conferences, workshops and meetings organised by BIRA-IASB
(programmes, contribution lists, timetables, slides, participants, contacts, photo's,...)